Using Participatory Learning & Action research to access and engage with 'hard to reach' migrants in primary healthcare research

Mary O'Reilly-De Brún*, Tomas De Brún, Ekaterina Okonkwo, Jean Samuel Bonsenge-Bokanga, Maria Manuela De Almeida Silva, Florence Ogbebor, Aga Mierzejewska, Lovina Nnadi, Evelyn Van Weel-Baumgarten, Chris Van Weel, Maria Van Den Muijsenbergh, Anne MacFarlane

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    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    53 Citations (Scopus)


    Background: Communication problems occur in general practice consultations when migrants and general practitioners do not share a common language and culture. Migrants' perspectives have rarely been included in the development of guidelines designed to ameliorate this. Considered 'hard-to-reach' on the basis of inaccessibility, language discordance and cultural difference, migrants have been consistently excluded from participation in primary healthcare research. The purpose of this qualitative study was to address this gap. Methods: The study was conducted in the Republic of Ireland, 2009 - 2011. We developed a multi-lingual community-university research team that included seven established migrants from local communities. They completed training in Participatory Learning & Action (PLA) - a qualitative research methodology. Then, as trained service-user peer researchers (SUPERs) they used their access routes, language skills, cultural knowledge and innovative PLA techniques to recruit and engage in research with fifty-one hard-to-reach migrant service-users (MSUs). Results & discussion: In terms of access, university researchers successfully accessed SUPERs, who, in turn, successfully accessed, recruited and retained MSUs in the study. In terms of meaningful engagement, SUPERs facilitated a complex PLA research process in a language-concordant manner, enabling inclusion and active participation by MSUs. This ensured that MSUs' perspectives were included in the development of a guideline for improving communication between healthcare providers and MSUs in Ireland. SUPERs evaluated their experiences of capacity-building, training, research fieldwork and dissemination as positively meaningful for them. MSUs evaluated their experiences of engagement in PLA fieldwork and research as positively meaningful for them. Conclusions: Given the need to build primary healthcare 'from the ground up', the perspectives of diverse groups, especially the hard-to-reach, must become a normative part of primary healthcare research. PLA is a powerful, practical 'fit-for-purpose' methodology for achieving this: enabling hard-to-reach groups to engage meaningfully and contribute with ease to academic research. PLA has significant potential to become a 'standard' or generic approach in building community-based primary health care. Community-university partnerships have a significant role to play in this, with capacity to radically influence the shape of healthcare research, expanding the research agenda to incorporate the views and needs of hard-to-reach and vulnerable populations.

    Original languageEnglish
    Article number25
    JournalBMC Health Services Research
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 20 Jan 2016


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