Valence configurations in 214Rn

G. D. Dracoulis*, A. P. Byrne, A. E. Stuchbery, R. A. Bark, A. R. Poletti

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18 Citations (Scopus)


Excited states of 214Rn, up to spins of ∼24 h {combining short stroke overlay} have been studied using γ-ray and electron spectroscopy following the 208Pb(9Be, 3n)214Rn reaction. The level scheme (which differs substantially from earlier work) is compared with the results of a semi-empirical shell model calculation. The availability of high-spin orbitals for the four valence protons and two valence neutrons, and the effect of the attractive proton-neutron interaction, leads to the prediction of high-spin states at an unusually low excitation energy. Experimentally, the high level density leads to difficulties in the level scheme assignments at high spin. Nevertheless, configuration assignments, supported by transition strengths deduced from the measured lifetimes (in the nanosecond region) are suggested for the main yrast states. The decay properties also suggest that configuration mixing is important. The possibility of a gradual transition to octupole deformation, implied by the decay properties of the 11- and 10+ yrast states is also discussed.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)305-329
Number of pages25
JournalNuclear Physics, Section A
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jun 1987


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