Vivian Obed preparing Atin a Suvoini dish: REMIX1

Viviane Obed (Performer), Onis Ben Namu (Creator), Meriana Obed (Creator), Maya Haviland (Producer)

Research output: Non-textual formAudio/Visual Format


The REMIX1 Exhibition included works curated from an open call out to artists and cultural producers to contribute to the exhibition. This short film features one such cultural practitioner was Vivian Obed, who worked with her family to prepare the Atin a Suvoini dish an adapted traditional dish that had was special to her family. Vivianne offered the meal and its preparation as part of the REMIX1 exhibition as way to create space for young people to continue to learn about their kastom culture. Film made by Onis Ben Namu and Meriana Obed, produced by Maya Haviland as part of media training by Further Arts in collaboration with the ANU Centre for Heritage and Museum Studies
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationFondation Suzanne Bastien Gallery, Port Vila, Vanuatu; Held in Vanuatu Cultural Centre national audi
PublisherAustralian National University
Size4 mins
Publication statusPublished - 2018
EventREMIX1 - Fondation Suzanne Bastien Gallery, Port Vila, Vanuatu
Duration: 19 Sept 201810 Oct 2018


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  • REMIX1

    Owen, D., Haviland, M., Meltherorong, M., Ariki, L. & Kami, K. W., 2018

    Research output: Non-textual formHosted Exhibition or Event

    Open Access

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