VizieR Online Data Catalog: ESO/VLT 3rd year type Ia supernova data set (Balland+, 2009)

C. Balland, S. Baumont, S. Basa, M. Mouchet, D. A. Howell, P. Astier, R. G. Carlberg, A. Conley, D. Fouchez, J. Guy, D. Hardin, I. M. Hook, K. Perrett, C. J. Pritchet, N. Regnault, P. Antilogus, V. Arsenijevic, J. Le Du, S. Fabbro, C. LidmanA. Mourao, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, E. Pecontal, V. Ruhlmann-Kleider

Research output: Other contribution


Spectroscopy of SNLS SN candidates was performed on several 8 to 10-m class telescopes in both hemispheres, namely the VLT, Gemini-N and S, Keck I and II.

During the first large program (2003-2005), we performed long slit spectroscopy (LSS) of SN candidates on FORS1 for a total of 60h of dark/grey time per semester. During the second large program (2005-2007), we observed using both FORS1 and FORS2 with the standard collimator in LSS and multi object spectroscopy (MOS) mode.

(2 data files).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2010


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