The design of the Gemini CLuster Astrophysics Spectroscopic Survey (GCLASS) and Gemini Observations of Galaxies in Rich Early Environments (GOGREEN) surveys is described in Muzzin+ (2012ApJ...746..188M) and Paper I (Balogh+ 2017MNRAS.470.4168B), respectively. See Section 2. All SpARCS clusters have shallow imaging from the SWIRE survey (Lonsdale+ 2003PASP..115..897L), from which the clusters were identified. Deeper channel 1 and 2 data exist for most of the clusters, from SERVS (Mauduit+ 2012PASP..124..714M), S-COSMOS (Sanders+ 2007ApJS..172...86S), SpUDS (PI J. Dunlop, as described in Galametz+ 2013, J/ApJS/206/10), and GTO programs 40033 and 50161 (PI G. Fazio). The remaining clusters were observed as PI programs (PI Brodwin, from program ID 70053 and 60099 and McGee, program 13046). Some MIPS data from SWIRE and GTO programs 40033 and 50161 (PI G. Fazio) are available for the SpARCS clusters, but these are not used in the analysis nor included in this release. See Section 3.1.1. The deep GMOS imaging in z' obtained as part of GOGREEN is described in Paper I (Balogh+ 2017MNRAS.470.4168B). GCLASS z' imaging was obtained from CTIO and Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope (CFHT), as described in Wilson+ (2009ApJ...698.1943W) and Muzzin+ (2009ApJ...698.1934M & 2012ApJ...746..188M). See Section 3.1.2. A significant effort was undertaken to obtain deep imaging for all GOGREEN systems outside the COSMOS and SXDF fields. New and archival data were obtained from Subaru, VLT, Magellan, Blanco, and CFHT, spanning the full observable optical/infrared wavelength range from u to K. These data and basic processing steps are described in van der Burg+ (2020A&A...638A.112V). For GCLASS, optical ugriz data for the northern clusters were obtained with MegaCam at CFHT. The southern clusters were imaged in ugri with IMACS on Magellan, while the z'-band imaging came from the MOSAIC-II camera on the Blanco telescope at CTIO. These data are described in van der Burg+ (2013A&A...557A..15V). Near-infrared imaging of the GCLASS systems from CFHT, Blanco, and VLT is described in Lidman+ (2012MNRAS.427..550L). See Section 3.1.3. New HST/Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) F160W imaging for the 12 GOGREEN clusters was obtained in a Cycle 25 program (GO-15294: PI Wilson). We also provide the WFC3 F140W imaging obtained for the 10 GCLASS clusters, described in Matharu+ (2019MNRAS.484..595M). See Section 3.1.4. The GCLASS spectroscopy is described in Muzzin+ (2012ApJ...746..188M). All the data were obtained with GMOS-S and GMOS-N. See Section 3.2.1. A full log of the GOGREEN spectroscopic observations is given in Table F1. Like GCLASS, spectroscopy was obtained with the GMOS-S and GMOS-N instruments, but with a single pointing per cluster. See Section 3.2.2. (6 data files).
Original language | English |
Publication status | Published - 1 May 2023 |