VizieR Online Data Catalog: Light curves of type Ia supernovae in SNLS (Guy+, 2010)

J. Guy, M. Sullivan, A. Conley, N. Regnault, P. Astier, C. Balland, S. Basa, R. G. Carlberg, D. Fouchez, D. Hardin, I. M. Hook, D. A. Howell, R. Pain, N. Palanque-Delabrouille, K. M. Perrett, C. J. Pritchet, J. Rich, V. Ruhlmann-Kleider, D. Balam, S. BaumontR. S. Ellis, S. Fabbro, H. K. Fakhouri, N. Fourmanoit, S. Gonzalez-Gaitan, M. L. Graham, E. Hsiao, T. Kronborg, C. Lidman, A. M. Mourao, S. Perlmutter, P. Ripoche, N. Suzuki, E. S. Walker

Research output: Other contribution


The following files contain the Type Ia supernovae light curves of the Supernova Legacy Survey 3-year sample and the parameters needed to estimate luminosity distances: the apparent rest-frame B-band magnitude at maximum light, a shape parameter (stretch factor or X1) and a colour that approximately corresponds to the rest-frame B-V colour (plus a constant offset) at maximum light in B-band. Those parameters were obtained with two light curve fitters: SALT2 (Guy et al., 2007A&A...466...11G) and SiFTO (Conley et al., 2008ApJ...681..482C). The light curves are in the magnitude system defined in Regnault et al. (2009, Cat. J/A+A/506/999). Fluxes and uncertainties are given for a fiducial zero point of 30, a magnitude is mag=-2.5log10(Flux)+30. An additional table that is not in the paper gives the approximate coordinates of SNe images in MegaCam focal plane. They are needed to estimate the filter transmission function. This data can also be downloaded at the University of Toronto's Research Repository

(3 data files).
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2010


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