A selling point of massive open online courses, or MOOCs, is that they make free education available to anyone who has access to the internet, and that education is delivered by some of the world's best minds. MOOCs aim to be at the prestige end of online education. But what can MOOCs really teach? Michael Smithson and I have been pondering that question as we develop a new ANUx MOOC called Ignorance! on the edX platform. MOOCs are very diverse now. Some are full-scale, 13-week university courses, expecting several hours of commitment each week. Others run for just a few weeks and the weekly lectures, quizzes, discussions and other exercises can be done in an hour or less. Read more: http://www.afr.com/technology/apps/education/what-learned-academics-at-the-australian-national-university-can-teach-you-about-ignorance-20150521-gh6hp2#ixzz4qj2TCeEs Follow us: @FinancialReview on Twitter | financialreview on Facebook
Original language | English |
Pages | 1-3pp |
No. | May 22 2015 |
Specialist publication | Financial Review |
Publication status | Published - 2015 |