Winter frost resistance of Pinus cembra measured in situ at the alpine timberline as affected by temperature conditions

Othmar Buchner*, Gilbert Neuner, Marilyn Ball

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Winter frost resistance (WFR), midwinter frost hardening and frost dehardening potential of Pinus cembra L. were determined in situ by means of a novel low-temperature freezing system at the alpine timberline ecotone (1950m a.s.l., Mt Patscherkofel, Innsbruck, Austria). In situ liquid nitrogen (LN 2)-quenching experiments should check whether maximum WFR of P. cembra belonging to the frost hardiest conifer group, being classified in US Department of Agriculture climatic zone 1, suffices to survive dipping into LN 2 (-196°C). Viability was assessed in a field re-growth test. Maximum in situ WFR (LT50) of leaves was <-75°C and that of buds was less (-70.3°C), matching the lowest water contents. In midwinter, in situ freezing exotherms of leaves, buds and the xylem were often not detectable. Ice formed in the xylem at a mean of -2.8°C and in leaves at -3.3°C. In situ WFR of P. cembra was higher than that obtained on detached twigs, as reported earlier. In situ LN 2-quenching experiments were lethal in all cases even when twigs of P. cembra were exposed to an in situ frost hardening treatment (12 days at -20°C followed by 3 days at -50°C) to induce maximum WFR. Temperature treatments applied in the field significantly affected the actual WFR. In January a frost hardening treatment (21 days at -20°C) led to a significant increase of WFR (buds: -62°C to <-70°C; leaves: -59.6°C to -65.2°C), showing that P. cembra was not at its specific maximum WFR. In contrast, simulated warm spells in late winter led to premature frost dehardening (buds: -32.6°C to -10.2°C; leaves: -32.7 to -16.4°C) followed by significantly earlier bud swelling and burst in late winter. Strikingly, both temperature treatments, either increased air temperature (+10.1°C) or increased soil temperature (+6.5°C), were similarly effective. This high readiness to frost harden and deharden in winter in the field must be considered to be of great significance for future winter survival of P. cembra. Determination of WFR in field re-growth tests appears to be a valuable tool for critically judging estimates of WFR obtained on detached twigs in an ecological context.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1217-1227
Number of pages11
JournalTree Physiology
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2011
Externally publishedYes


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